Monday, April 26, 2021

April Meeting Postponed until May 1st

 The April meeting originally scheduled for April 24th has been rescheduled to May 1st. If you have sent your current email to to be included on the master list of Wordsmiths then you have already received your invitation to the Zoom meeting and the new email with the revised meeting date.

One of the topics to be discussed is Motivation. Since COVID struck and the world practically shut down, it's been difficult for many writers to focus on writing with so much else on their minds. Others of us have spent the downtime churning out new novels and finishing projects that have been languishing. Where does motivation come from and how can you spark something that feels dead and reignite your desire to write and create? We'll explore this during the meeting.

If you want to join the meeting and didn't receive an invite then please send us your email address so you can be included! It's as simple as that!

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