Wednesday, January 29, 2020

January 2020

The year did not start out well for me. I've been dealing with several health issues, and then fell victim to an upper respiratory virus that rampaged through the medical office where I work. Needless to say, the month is nearly over and I haven't set any meeting dates yet. I apologize for this.

I have Andrew's book to beta read. I've met with Huyen to talk about the stories she's writing. I've been working on a novel I wrote nearly 20 years ago for a good friend for her birthday, but never gave it to her because it had turned into a massive epic that overwhelmed me. From time to time I dug it out and read it, and finally found sort of its natural end point nearly 170,000 words in. I lopped off the other 230,000 words and have periodically worked on edits. There are a lot of continuity issues because I would just sit down and write when I had time and never had an outline or jotted down notes, so time shifts crazily and unrealistically throughout the novel which actually takes place over a span of a year and 21 months, not 7 as it at first seemed. I cleaned it up some more, had a mock-up printed, and have just gone through it again working on the continuity issues and the revisions to bring it into the was woefully dated it was written so long ago! I'll be fixing up the manuscript into February while recovering from everything that hit me at once this month.

Blue Umbrella's financial stability is still questionable, although there are events scheduled. I need to go down there and schedule out next meeting. Hopefully we'll be able to meet in the coming month and get back on track. I'll post the next meeting date here, on our facebook page, and send an email which should cover about everyone. I'm hoping I'll be able to get out of the house this Saturday to get a meeting date scheduled.

Meanwhile, keeping writing!

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