The group now numbers 8 members!
There are three or four other people Kelly and I have reached out to that we're waiting to hear back from.
I am not limiting membership at this time and would welcome out-of-state authors/writers (at present we have 3 OOS members) who may not have a local group for support. There will be a local meeting held once a month beginning in September, but writers/authors at a distance will be kept in the loop via the blog, and maybe if there's someone tech savvy enough to set it up, via live facebook or YouTube or something. That's an area I don't know anything about so someone else would have to leap into the void and work on that.
Anyway- welcome to WhipCity Wordsmiths Mike, Shawn, Bethany, Wayne, Sandy, and Melissa. If you have a Google account and have been added by Kelly as an author on the blog please feel free to post- but keep it related to writing, please. You can post about your books, your current project, local events for writers, writing tips, etc. Toot your own horn- you have a members bio on the members page, but feel free to talk about yourself a bit. It's a good way to get to know one another better- to get a feel for where we're all coming from and where we all want to go with our shared passion for the written word!
The first time I realized I could write was when I attended an English Comp course at STCC after I left the Army. The professor told us that she wanted us to write something original and leave our names off of it. She said that by the end of the semester she will be able to tell who wrote what. In response I wrote a poem for the fun of it. When the grades were given out she said that the poem had to be mine. She had to use the process of elimination to determine it. She also said I needed to continue writing.